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Acupuncture is One of the Best Treatments for Infertility

It’s a wonder why a lot of women suffering from infertility have not considered acupuncture with the very high rates of success this treatment has in curing their condition. Studies regarding acupuncture show that it boosts by 50%, IVF efficacy rates. For infertile sufferers who have tried everything, acupuncture has fulfilled the wishes and desires of many once childless couples. In ancient China, emperors would hire acupuncturists to ensure that any infertility issues in their wives and concubines are resolved in order to produce healthy heirs. Today, in this century, we are witnessing a rise in infertility cases as well as women opting to become pregnant later in life. For couples struggling to produce offspring, in the end, they go for medical help and doctors more often than not would prescribe fertility medications or recommend in-vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), or other types of (ART) assisted reproductive technologies. One of the best and most overlooked standalone or complementary treatments for infertility is acupuncture.

We get a greater appreciation of conception once we have an idea of how complex the female reproductive system is and comprehend the rhythmic flow of hormones in the body. Any disruptions to them can lead to the rise of fertility issues. Infertility may develop when the hormones in the meat you eat disrupt the levels of testosterone and estrogen in your body. They begin to affect the cycles and levels of the other hormones required for normal luteal, ovulatory, and follicular cycles. Infertility can also occur due to stress from relationships or at work which affects the pH levels of your cervical mucus that becomes too acidic for the sperm to live. Infertility can also happen when you suffer from certain food sensitivities that weaken your immune system making it very hard for your body to conceive or support a pregnancy. Infertility can have several various causes. Acupuncturists trained in treating both male and female reproductive issues are able to identify the underlying problems from the viewpoint of both Eastern and Western Medicine.

Acupuncturists are also trained to track even subtle imbalances. They know how to resolve those internal imbalances to bring back homeostasis in the body which is essential for successful conception and pregnancy. By evaluating, for example, a woman with puffiness of the face and a pale complexion who complains of poor digestive health and fatigue, an acupuncturist may see that the woman has deficient spleen that weakens blood production and produces poor blood quality, which in turn, adversely impact the thickness and quality of the endometrial wall, which is required for successful implantation of the embryo. Any imbalances in the yin of the patient can be detected by an acupuncturist. This imbalance disallows for adequate fertile cervical fluid which is required in order to transport the sperm to the egg. A huge positive difference in the results of ART-assisted and natural conception can occur when you have a clear understanding on how to properly address the subtle and not so subtle imbalances causing infertility.

Besides treating their problem, acupuncture treatments for infertile couples can greatly improve their overall health. And since acupuncture is a type of medicine that strives to restore balance to the entire body system, the person’s emotional, mental, physical well-being is greatly improved, as well. Couples suffering from infertility often suffer from severe stress which can take a toll on their health. Their worries and anxieties get addressed with acupuncture’s calming effects on the nervous system. The thickness and health of the endometrial wall can be greatly improved with acupuncture and this is vital in successful IVF treatments. A thick and healthy endometrial wall can boost by 50% the likelihood for successful embryo implantation in an IVF procedure. Blood flow to the ovaries is also increased with acupuncture treatment which leads to better nutrition and functioning of the follicles. Acupuncture also treats uterine spasming which aids in successful implantation. Acupuncture makes the body more conducive for conception and assists the body during pregnancy by resolving excess edema, morning sickness, and preventing possible miscarriage; this treatment also promotes a healthy delivery and is a very helpful postpartum support.

To conclude, the reproductive health of a person can be greatly enhanced with acupuncture. Treating fertility problems with this therapy will also help you know when your most fertile time is. The treatment will also include recommendations to your lifestyle and diet. Acupuncture heals PMS, addresses hormonal imbalances, thickness the endometrial lining, and boost circulation to the ovaries. This gives the body a better foundation in which to have a problem-free and happy pregnancy.

Acupuncture Health Center
1303 Astor St #101
Bellingham, WA 98225
(360) 715-1824

There is a Natural, Safe, Effective and Drug Free Alternative.