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Breast Conditions and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Sadly, around 200,000 women living in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Despite the proliferation of information on how and what Western medical treatments are useful for treating breast cancer, therapies that can help prevent this deadly disease from occurring are quite unknown. Regardless if a woman is predisposed or not to breast cancer, there are certain ways one can follow that can help them prevent the rise of this greatly feared condition. Few people are aware that men can also develop breast cancer although cases for this are quite rare accounting for just a mere 2% of all breast cancer cases.

The causes of breast cancer are varied. They include prolonged estrogen exposure of the breast tissue brought about by external and endogenous factors such as an accumulation of pesticides, contaminated water, food additives and other environmental toxins, unresolved mental and physical stress, lack of exercise, and a poor diet.

Breast Cancer from the Viewpoint of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Based on the theories of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a lot of breast conditions have the same root problem processes and are also related. The ability of TCM to diagnose these processes before any symptoms appear makes it easy to diagnose and treat the diseases in their initial stages. And by identifying these conditions in their early or initial stages, preventing these diseases from advancing to a much more serious stage (like cancer) is very good.

TCM practitioners believe that all breast diseases have as their underlying cause stagnation of vital energy and blood. The body, according to TCM, has within itself a form of vital energy known as qi that circulates throughout the body through invisible routes known as meridians in the same way blood travels through blood vessels such as veins, capillaries, arteries, etc. Any blockage of disruption of this movement in the entire system or locally leads to an imbalance in the body.

TCM has this saying that “if there is free flow, there is no pain.” The question then is what is it that is not flowing freely that can lead to pain? There are three things in TCM that flow in the body. They are the Body Fluids, Blood, and Qi.

A blockage of Qi will also interrupt the flow of lymph material and blood since it is Qi the moves these two essential materials in the body, as well.

A blockage of Qi is called stagnation of Qi in TCM. This stagnation leads to lumps, pain, or distention. Blood Stasis is a condition in which the Blood is not flowing. This can result in clotting in the menstrual blood, or stabbing or intense pain. Lastly, if the fluids are not flowing, a condition known as phlegm nodulation or damp accumulation can causes that can lead to cysts, and sensations of heaviness or swollenness. Although they do not necessarily result in cancer, these underlying problems are the processes almost found in all types of breast diseases, including breast cancer.

More and more breast cancer patients consider acupuncture to have some of their symptoms observed and treated. In terms of breast conditions the most commonly complained are:

-Mastitis or breast abscesses
-Fluid filled sacs or cysts
-Benign masses or fibroadenomas
-Breast soreness and premenstrual breast pain

Treating Breast Diseases with Acupuncture Treatment in Linwood

Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture are the two primary modes of treatment used for breast diseases. As a rule, herbal medicine is used over acupuncture if it is observed a lot of physical changes in the breast tissue have occurred. However, acupuncture is still a very important part of treatment because of its ability to produce immediate treatment and relief of anxiety, pain, and swelling.

The needling of the correct acupoints results in the removal of the blockages the caused Qi and fluid stagnation. This leads to the quick relief of the swelling and pain and are some of the reasons why acupuncture for breast disease treatment is growing in popularity.

Pain and breast soreness that presage menstruation are actually the two most commonly heard complaints involving breast diseases. These conditions are relatively harmless but still, correcting them should be a priority as they may lead to more serious and deadly conditions

The moment breast symptoms related to PMS start to appear, acupuncture treatment should be given and repeated as often as possible until the female reaches her first day of menstruation. This protocol can be done again the next month and if treatment is combined with a proper change in lifestyle and diet, the symptoms tend to become less prolonged or severe. The protocol should be continuous till the symptoms have completely vanished. Usually after three to six cycles of menstruation will premenstrual breast distention be resolved.

Besides preventing the rise of PMS breast soreness, maintaining the free flow of the qi of the breast can also help prevent any development of cysts, tumors, and even cancers in the breast.