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Chinese Medicine Treatments To Boost The Natural Beauty Of Your Face

Thousands of years ago, practitioners of Chinese medicine were giving female members of the Chinese royal family natural beauty treatments to maintain and enhance their looks. In Chinese medicine, beauty care is based on various methods and theories and practitioners realize that real beauty emanates from the inside out.

Your Body’s Condition is Mirrored in Your Skin

The color of your skin reflects your body’s current state of health. For example, people who have acne may indicate an underlying problem in one or more of their organ energetic systems.

Each part of your body has a different form of imbalance within:

Chin: Any skin issue in the chin may indicate a problem with the reproductive organs. This usually happens to individuals who suffer from endocrine disorders or are under severe stress or pressure.

Area around the lips: Skin problem in this area may mean a disorder in your digestive system and large intestine. Usually happens to people that have constipation issues or suffer from diarrhea quickly.

Right cheek: May suggest an underlying lung disorder. Usually happens if you have problems with your respiratory system or if you are hypersensitive.

Left cheek: May indicate an imbalance in the liver; can also occur on people who have liver detoxification problems or people who from mood swings.

Area around the nose: May suggest heated lungs or stomach, usually seen in people who have a weak digestive function.

Forehead: May suggest a heated heart; often seen in people who stay up too late/all night or who suffer from lack of sleep.

Rather than availing of strong medications and antibiotics, allow a Chinese medicine practitioner to examine your facial skin. He can ascertain the body organs that aren’t functioning well.

How Does Cleveland Chinese Medicine Work in Enhancing your Facial Skin?

You practitioner will first examine your body constitution and see what symptoms are already there. He then performs an exhaustive examination and then may suggest a plan of treatment uniquely designed to address your symptoms and underlying problem. Treatments are designed to remove body imperfections and regulate the meridians, organs, and the flow of blood and vital energy called qi to foster the beauty of your face, hair, and skin. Treatments used may include medicated bath, herbal masks, diet therapy, gua sha, cupping, and acupuncture.

Based on your personal preferences and body type, your practitioner can offer treatments for one to three months and may prescribe herbs to assist with your skin problem. Common forms of underlying skin conditions include:

  • Phlegm resistance body form
  • Stagnant qi body form
  • Deficient body yin form
  • Stagnant fire qi body form

The most popular Chinese medicine therapy for treating skin conditions is acupuncture. It has been proven to improve skin texture and skin color, lift sagging skin, remove fine lines, and reduce wrinkles. Acupuncture can also help stimulate regeneration by strengthening the flow of blood resulting in an increased distribution of nutrients and oxygen in your body. At the same time, it also supports your immune system and decreases the level of inflammation in your body. A beauty treatment may be done on the face or on the entire body. Some magazines have claimed that a lot of celebrities prefer a weekly 20 minute acupuncture treatment over more expensive beauty enhancing techniques.

To add to your internal beauty, your practitioner may also prescribe specific Chinese herbal teas. They may help slow down or reverse the aging process and provide you with an amazing glow. The tea’s effect can improve the self-healing abilities of your body, and so can be another proactive and preventive approach to increasing physical beauty. After an exhausting and long day, these teas can be served to help your body relax and rebalance itself.

Soothing herbal tea to treat stagnant fire

Ingredients: 3 pieces red dates, 3 grams Moutan, 6 grams Rose, three grams Prunella, and 5 grams Chrysanthemum.

Mix together the ingredients into a teapot then add boiling water. Allow the ingredients to simmer for 10 minutes and enjoy drinking the tea while hot.

Relaxing and Nourishing herbal beauty tea

Ingredients: 5 pieces of Chinese licorice, 5 slices tangerine peel, 10 goji berries, and 10 Rose buds.

Mix together the ingredients into a teapot then add boiling water. Allow the ingredients to simmer for 10 minutes and enjoy drinking the nourishing and relaxing beauty tea while hot.

Detoxifying herbal tea for stomach body and heated lung type

Ingredients: 5 grams raw licorice, 6 grams honeysuckle, and 6 grams dandelion
Mix the ingredients together into a teapot and add hot boiling water. Let the ingredients blend in for 10 minutes and enjoy your nourishing and relaxing beauty tea. This herbal tea has a detoxifying effect on the body.

Healthy Tips to Improve Your Facial Skin

1. Exercise and movement can increase the flow of Qi and Blood as well as clear dampness from your body. In Chinese medicine, dampness can result in obesity and other health issues. You can do qi gong or yoga instead if you don’t want to do heavy exercising.

2. Cook your own meals with quality ingredients. Also do more exercising and less smacking. If you want a snack, eat fresh fruits and nuts.

3. Avoid skipping breakfast. If you skip your breakfast, your digestive system may be affected and may be unable to covert food into Blood and Qi well. With a clear, clean, and good Blood and Qi, your skin and hair will become more radiant and your eyes will shine brighter.

4. Give yourself a break from stress and get 8 hours of sleep each night. Inadequate sleep and rest may result in awful eye bags. Be getting adequate quality sleep you will be able to manage stress well and will be more alert.

Chinese medicine can promote hair growth and weight loss. It also can correct dull complexions, pigmentation and acne and help reverse the aging process of the skin.

The Benefits of Chinese Medicine Include:

  • A lower cost compared to other treatments
  • No side effects and mild treatments
  • Treatment of the root cause of a health problem with results that last for several months
  • Natural tailored therapies uniquely designed to address your specific problem