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Seasonal Allergies Can be Treated with Acupuncture

After the cold and gloomy effect that winter brings, spring time is the season when nature gets to cheer us up once again with its fully display of colors and sunshine. For most people, this is great news but for those prone to seasonal allergies it is a catch-22 reality. However, there is good news for since relief from allergies need not be temporary. Having proved to give long lasting relief from seasonal allergies, acupuncture is a natural, safe, and effective treatment for all types of allergy sufferers. This treatment is known to quell symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, congestion, watery/itchy eyes, and restores balance in the body so that you can defend against allergens in a more effective way.

Acupuncture for Seasonal Allergy Treatment in West Orange. How Does It Work?

Acupuncture seasonal allergy treatment can be done generally or locally. A lot of the symptoms of allergy are experienced in the head. This means that the flow of energy from the head into the rest of the body and vice versa in the body does not run smoothly. The flow of energy in the yang meridians moves from the hands up to the head or from the head down to the feet. Your acupuncturist can open those meridians in the shoulders and neck which can help normalize the flow of energy. The treatment will involve the insertion of clean tiny needles directly into acupuncture points where symptoms are felt (such as the side of the nose or head – enabling the stagnant energy to escape and vanish).

Your acupuncturist will also try to treat the root reason for your allergies. He/she does this by asking you questions about your health and symptoms and performing a physical inventory of your body. The practitioner uses an individualized and very specific approach, guaranteeing that the underlying reason for your allergy is cured. This is one of the most important reasons why acupuncture is known to provide long lasting benefits; it brings back balance in the patient in order for the body to heal itself emotionally, mentally, and physically. This is something that makes a whole lot of sense when you begin to consider that all the aspects of your body are interconnected to each other. So, health is restored and symptoms vanish when the body is fully in balance.

Besides receiving acupuncture, your practitioner may recommend other natural ways to help strengthen your immune system to rid you of your allergies potentially even permanently. The following are tips that cost you a little in terms of effort and money:

– Eat local bee pollen and honey that are locally produced: First, test the pollen by eating a small granule to make sure that you don’t suffer from a reaction. The bee pollen and honey made locally come from the flowers and pollen in your area, so when you eat those flowers or pollen, your immune system will not perceive them as foreign materials and attack them, resulting in your allergy symptoms.

– Avail yourself of a homeopathic allergy remedy: Homeopathic treatment involves the matching of your symptom’s vibration to that of a specific treatment. A match between the two will result in the improvement of health and the cancellation of the symptoms.

– Consume more raw foods, as well as seasonal and local foods, especially during the warmer months.

– Be sure take mineral and multivitamins/mineral supplements regularly throughout the year.