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Study Shows That Acupuncture Treatment Can Lead to the Repair of Spinal Cord Injury

According to the Mayo Clinic, several factors can cause nerve damage: exposure to toxins, infections, and injuries. Nerve damage can lead to symptoms like loss of sensation, burning and/or tingling sensation, and pain. Having been the subject of numerous scientific studies regarding nerve regeneration, acupuncture has proven to be an effective method to repair damaged nerves. To ensure proper care, discuss acupuncture with your doctor first before visiting a practitioner.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

For thousands of years acupuncture has been used by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners as a way to resolve illnesses and bring balance to the body. It is part of an Eastern medical tradition known as TCM or traditional Chinese medicine. According to TCM, illness is believed to be caused by imbalances in the energy flow of the body. Acupuncture is a procedure that uses mall thin needles stuck into the skin at body areas known as acupuncture points to restore health and rebalance energy. Today, in the United States, there are thousands of licensed acupuncturists, dentists, and medical doctors who practice this 5,000 year-old treatment.

Spinal Cord Injury Acupuncture Treatment in West Orange

Paralysis can ensue when there is damage to the nerve fibers of the spinal cord. In 2011, the medical journal “Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology” published a study showing how the use of electro-acupuncture led to the regeneration of nerve cells in rats who had suffered injuries to their spinal cord. It was shown that when used in conjunction with other therapies, electro-acupuncture was able to restore partial function to paralyzed limbs in the injured rats.

Peripheral Neuropathy Acupuncture Treatment

A 2009 publication of the European Journal of Neurology featured a study that show acupuncture being able to immediately resolve the symptoms of patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy. This is a condition involving damage to the nerves. The patients in this study were treated with traditional Chinese acupuncture. Each patient was started on a customized treatment plan after consultation with an acupuncturist. They were treated with acupuncture at various acupoints as suggested by the acupuncturist. Besides experiencing symptomatic relief, the patients treated with acupuncture demonstrated enhanced nerve conduction over the course of the ten-week study, causing the authors of the research to conclude that acupuncture treatment caused the nerves to regenerate.

Points to Remember

Acupuncture is widely known as a safe treatment, having fewer risks compared to conventional medical modalities. However, when it is performed without adequate training, acupuncture can lead to serious complications. Electro-acupuncture is contraindicated for the following patients: patients with a history of seizures, epilepsy, stroke, and heart disease and those with pacemakers. Before receiving acupuncture, the NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicines) has recommended that you check the credentials of the acupuncturist first to make sure that he or she is qualified.