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Tag: Influenza

Influenza Treatments and Drugs

Usually people sick with the flu do get well after a week or two without any need for treatment. The problem starts when flu complications arise. You may need to call your physician or nurse if you:

  • Have a problem breathing or feeling short of breath
  • Have pressure or pain
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Influenza Complications

The flu virus can cause a lot of complications. They can include pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart), myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation), heart attack, central nervous system disease, myositis (inflammation of the muscles) and bacterial or viral pneumonia.

Moreover, sinus infections and ear infections, particularly in children can … Continue reading

Influenza – Preparing for Your Appointment

Listed below are certain questions you may ask your nurse or doctor to help you better manage your flu symptoms.

  • How can I distinguish between the symptoms of a cold and the symptoms of the flu?
  • Will I develop a fever? If so, how long will the fever last? Can
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Influenza – Lifestyles and Home Remedies

The following are some home remedies and lifestyle and suggestions that can help in reducing and accelerating treatment of your influenza symptoms:

  • Gargle with salt water – Doing this helps resolve your sore throat.
  • Slippery elm – This herb has been reported to relieve sore throat and cough. You can
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