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Acupuncture Works Well in the Treatment of Sinusitis

Used for tens of centuries to cure various types of diseases, acupuncture is a 5000 plus year old treatment that works for psychological problems and for physical problems as well. It works marvelously in treating postsurgical pain and different types of pains and even allergies. This means then that acupuncture in Orlando can also treat sinusitis and other sinus conditions.

Sinusitis is a condition that can turn irritating and painful when it is prolonged due to the fact that there is no specific allopathic treatment for it. A lot of sinusitis sufferers deal with intense headaches that make them even more in distress. Sinusitis causes patients to suffer from pain, pressure and congestion in their heads especially around their eyes and cheeks.

More and more people are discovering the usefulness of acupuncture in the treatment of sinusitis. This treatment involves the application of hair-thin needles into specific points in the body to rectify the imbalances of Qi (the energy of the body). Acupoints selected are derived from the results of Chinese medicine diagnosis. In Chinese medicine, so many times, sinusitis is identified as external factors invading the lung in the case of colds or as lung Qi deficiency.

The acupoints used to treat the symptoms and their underlying cause include the Yin Tang and Bi tong (local points surrounding the sinus), and St 2, Li 20 as well as the Lu 5, and Lu 9 and some acupoints situated on the arms. This treatment releases sinus pressure and restores the flow to the blocked sinus. And when the sinus blockage is cleared, the person then experiences immediate relief.

Qi and blood is transported to the spot where discomfort and pain is felt when these acupuncture points are used. The needling of the correct distal points addresses the energy imbalance that contributes to the sinusitis condition.

So, we can say that rather than controlling or stopping your sinus problems with antibiotics, you can visit your nearest qualified acupuncturist and ask for the appropriate treatment; allow the treatment to run on the belief that Qi must flow freely throughout the body.