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Chua Ka Massage Helps Release Built Up Negative Memories In Your Body

Chua Ka is massage therapy developed in Mongolia. It has a profound impact on the body and is used to help eliminate fear, pain and aches that seem difficult to treat. Chua Ka releases the tension and pain that have accumulated in the body. It tranquilizes the mental state of the patient and regulates all built up negative emotions – stress, fears, and anxiety, anger, etc.

Chua-Ka impacts both the psychological state andphysical body of a person. Based on ancient Eastern Eastern philosophy, it can increase the agility nimbleness of the person. As people age, the elasticity of their bodies weaken, and their negative energy and toxins have accumulated affecting them physically and psychologically.

The body and soul of every human being form a single unit, hence, when your body is in pain or feeling good, your soul is affected correspondingly. Everything that happens in the soul affects the body, and vice versa. The aim of Chua Ka Mongolian massage is to liberate the body andsoul by releasing built up painful and negative memories, thus enhancing health and increasing the level of awareness in the person.

When you come in for treatment, the practitioner will question you about your medical history, diet, and lifestyle. Based on your answers, the practitioner will select the best treatment that addresses your specific needs. During the massage, the practitioner will use his thumbs to vigorously rub your deep tissue. As he does this, he will also stroke your skin with long and smooth movements effectively stimulating your circulatory system and restoring skin elasticity lost caused by the aging process.

Chua Ka massage is a pretty delicate procedure, but, nonetheless, it bolsters health maximally. During a session, the client doesn’t need to undress and towels are used for comfort. This form of massage is recommended for everyone who wish to increase self-knowledge and improve their health. It is ideal for all sorts of back pain, cellulite, digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia, migraines, muscle pain, premenstrual syndrome, and stress and stress-related conditions

It is very popular in several European countries and in Russia.

Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinic
8855 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32217-4244
(904) 260-2598