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Sinusitis Relief Using Acupuncture Treatment

Sinusitis is an acute respiratory problem that can last a few weeks or can turn into a permanent chronic condition. It can appear as a minor nuisance or can become an all out debilitating problem. Several factors can lead to symptoms when the sinuses are affected by certain causes.

One of these causes includes the inability of the cilia (small hairs) in the sinus cavities to move along mucous which leads to the mucosal blockage of the cavity. Other causes include nasal polyps, a deviated septum, excessive mucus produced by the body or even a bone spur preventing the sinus from draining.

Western modalities for sinusitis vary. They range from weekly allergy shots, steroids, and over-the-counter medications.
Relieving Sinusitis Symptoms with Acupuncture

A 1982 study orchestrated by Yeh and Pothman tested the effectiveness of acupuncture on sinusitis symptoms. The test showed that acupuncture was a superior treatment compared to antibiotics that was used in the control group. The relief provided by acupuncture lasted for a minimum of three months. A good acupuncturist will resolve your sinusitis condition with the use of proven Chinese Medicine diagnostic procedures to evaluate the underlying reason that usually includes an invasion of Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold. These invasions compromise the balance of the descending and ascending Lung Qi that in turn causes the fluids in the sinuses and nose to stagnate. To fortify a weakened body, the acupuncturist manipulates the patient’s energy channels using acupuncture. This will help release stuck or sluggish energy. The treatment also helps release in the body endorphins, natural pain killing chemicals that can help alleviate the discomfort. Acupuncture also heals inflammation and boosts the flow of blood in the body.

Penetrating Sinusitis from Within using Homeopathy

Applying the principle of ‘like cures like,’ homeopathy helps the body to self heal through the administration of remedies taken from minerals, animals, plants and sometimes even humans. Sweet pellets often taken sublingually or drunk as liquids are applied as treatments. In the case of sinusitis, homeopathic remedies that can be individually prescribed include: Kali Bichromicum, Hepar Sulphur, Mercurius, Belladona, or Arsenicum.