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The Holistic Therapies of Chinese Medicine

The term Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Orlando refers to a wide variety of therapeutic techniques from various parts of Asia. TCM is a widely accepted and longstanding healing practice although it is viewed as an alternative type of treatment in Western countries. What is exactly TCM?

Basic Definition

A holistic form of treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine addresses problems affecting the spirit, body, and mind, aspects of an individual that are interconnected together. Illness arises when any one part of a person gets out of balance – in both the meta-physical and physical sense.

TCM is based on the theory of yin-yang, which is all about balance. According to this theory, all things in the universe can be categorized into two complementary yet opposing parts. The opposites of dark/light, moon/sun, cold/hot, female/male are some of the more common examples of this. In TCM, however, there is no good or bad, only principles that are parts of the whole. The goal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to maintain balance and bring about health and well-being.

The Meridians and Chi

Chi or Qi pertains to the life energy or vital energy of the body. Some people mistakenly attribute it as the “soul” or “spirit.” Actually, chi is more similar to the energetic circulation of blood moving across the body. Chi travels all over the body along the energy channels called meridians and through other channels.

This article will not discuss the details of chi as it would take a lifetime of research to understand them. All one needs to know is that chi is the energy that moves through the body and its existence is the foundation upon which Chinese medicine stands.

The Holistic Therapies of Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine offers an amazing range of treatments. They include:

1. Acupuncture: This therapeutic modality involves the inserting of ultra thin needles into specific parts of the body. In traditional acupuncture, the practitioner follows the thousands of years technique of sticking needles into the acupuncture points wherein lie the meridians; modern practitioners have integrated newer techniques to their methods. The most common uses of acupuncture are for treatment of nervous-system disorders, psychological disorders, and chronic pain. Adherents of this system will recommend it for just about any health issue.

2. Herbal medicine: A healing system that involves the use of mushrooms, roots, and herbs, as well as other natural products and minerals that possess medicinal qualities. Unfortunately, a lot of Chinese herbalists illegally utilize exotic animal parts and so they have become one of the biggest reasons why some animals are on the verge of extinction. There are a wide range of herbal medicines that can treat practically every health condition and illness known and unknown to modern medicine.

3. Breathing and Physical exercises: Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine often advise their patients to embark in healthy exercise. However, not all exercises are designed for the balance proper movement of chi. The exercises promoted by TCM include the martial arts, meditation, yoga, qigong, and taichi as well as various breathing exercises and meditation exercises.

4. Gua sha: This is a bizarre treatment involving the rubbing of the skin with tusk, bone, stone, or with smooth bits of jade. Gua sha is a harsh type of massage in which the person usually ends up with painful red marks and/or bruising on the skin. It has broad therapeutic applications and may be used for cholera to hot weather among others. For people with a low threshold for pain, this is not a treatment they would consider.

5. Cupping- This type of therapy is a unique kind of detoxification/massage. Cupping uses special glass cups that have the air inside them heated by smoke or flame. The cups are applied on the back while they’re still warm inside. The cups generate a suction effect that draws the skin into the cup. A lot of Western Chinese medicine clinics now use cups that have pumps installed on them. If you plan to go to the beach or wear a backless gown for a certain occasion, you should avoid this treatment as it leaves big red purplish circles on your back. Cupping is used to eliminate toxins from the body.