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Tag: Acid Reflux

Reducing Acid Reflux With Acupressure

Acupressure follows the same healing principle as acupuncture but without the use of needles. Specific areas and organs of the body are successfully treated through the application of pressure on the pressure points indicated in ancient Chinese medicine. By means of this technique, the energy or chi flowing through the … Continue reading

Acid Reflux Symptoms Can Be Cured with TCM and Acupuncture

The burning sensation people feel from the welling up of acid in the stomach is known as Acid Reflux. Chronic or long term acid reflux is known as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Acid reflux occurs when the valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which should close when food passes … Continue reading

Acid Reflux Symptoms Can Be Resolved With Acupuncture

University of Adelaide in Australia researchers did studies that applied a light electrical pulse to activate an acupressure point known as the Pericardium 6, P6, or Neiguan point located on the wrist. This acupoint is associated with upper gastrointestinal diseases such as acid reflux. The acupoint activation led to a … Continue reading

Studies Prove That Acupuncture Can Help Treat the Symptoms of Acid Reflux

With the wish to avoid drugs and chemicals and the risk of side effects, a natural healing approach to acid reflux natural remedy is a really attractive option for a lot of heartburn sufferers.

A surge in popularity in Chinese medicine as well as for the above mentioned reasons, a … Continue reading

Acupoints Used To Treat Acid Reflux

In Australia, scientists at the University of Adelaide performed studies about the use of gentle electrical pulses to help stimulate the P6 (pericardium 6) and the Neiguan acupuoints that are both connected to the upper gastrointestinal disorder known as acid reflux. The result of the stimulation of these points showed … Continue reading