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Tag: Hypertension

Chinese Cupping Therapy For Hypotension And Hypertension

Treatment for Hypotension

The pathological area of senile hypotensive involves the kidney, spleen and heart. The condition is usually caused by sexual and physical overstrain, poor diet, weak constitution and old age. The pathogenic factors primarily involve healthy qi deficiency occasionally interspersed with pathogenic asthenia.

Targeted acupuncture points and techniques:… Continue reading

Chinese Herbal Medicine And Acupuncture Combined Boosts The Effectiveness of Hypertension Treatment

Hypertension is a chronic cardiovascular condition suffered by a third of the US population. This common disease has become widespread primarily due to a sedentary lifestyle and increased stress. The good news is holistic treatments such as acupuncture are available that can help control hypertension and enhance your overall well-being … Continue reading

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Can Resolve The Symptoms of Hypertension

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure can be managed effectively with an array of Western and Eastern treatments. Western drugs can give effective treatment but they always come with adverse side effects. Because of this, a lot of hypertensive people opt for alternative treatments to address their condition. These include Chinese … Continue reading