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What Is Chinese Bonesetting Therapy?

Bonesetting is a Chinese treatment that relies on the philosophy of acupuncture in Bellmore to locate and repair injury to any part of the body: the nervous system, veins, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones. Treatment is performed based on the cause of your condition instead of the symptoms manifested. Address the cause and symptoms will eventually be cured.

On the patient’s initial visit, the therapist/practitioner will search and locate the cause of pain and where the pain radiates, as is can travel and change direction. This can cause confusion and be quite distressing as to its cause. Hence, it is important for the practitioner to dispel the patient’s fears. The practitioner may ask how long the patient has had the injury, the patient’s state of health and age and other factors that can help determine the outcome of treatment.

Everyone, including children, is urged to take responsibility for their health by reporting their problems to a reputable practitioner who can offer treatment that can help the patient make an informed decision on the type of health care he needs.

In bonesetting therapy, any injury that has bruising is treated with great care. Practitioners refer to this bruising injury as ‘dead blood’ and they take this problem very seriously. In Chinese medicine, when your body has been hurt that area of your body becomes bruised.

The buildup of dead cells can lead to more a severe condition as it can go down deep in the body where it has accumulated. The consequence of the buildup and penetration may lead to newer problems even years later. If this problem is left untreated, it may eventually lead to issues related to walking and sitting, and if you are past 50 years of age, the pain can become chronic.

How can this bruising be treated? It may depend on how deep the body has been hurt.

For instance, you may hurt your spine, elbow, bone, or muscles after a fall. The practitioner needs to find out where exactly the problem is and sort it out by palpating the injured body part with his fingers. It may take a while to locate the injured body part because the pain is usually not at the exact point of the problem.

Bonesetting involves the clearing out of the dead blood, water, and substances that cause inflammation, swelling and pain, and then setting the nervous system, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, bones, and muscle back into their respective positions. This is usually a slow process more so when the injury is an old injury. The slow approach ensures a safer way to set things properly little by little as an incorrect position may lead to permanent pain. In certain instances, it may even be a good idea to leave things as they are and just focus on taking out the pain and the inflaming substances. This decision may depend on the patient’s health and age and on the age of his injury. Each case is different and the treatment approach will be based on the injury and the other aspects of the patient.