Intense Wellness
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Relieve pain, migraines, tension and let go of stress with craniosacral therapy

A form of gentle touch therapy, Craniosacral therapy (CST) is used to assess and enhance the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid. This technique eradicates the adverse influences of stress and can fortify the body’s ability to take better care of you.

Craniosacral therapy is used to treat dysfunctions and alleviate pain and tension enabling the body to rectify itself automatically and help it relax. Whether you are suffering from neck pain, chronic pain, back pain, or you want to free your central nervous system from blockages, craniosacral therapy can improve your health holistically as well as your performance and eliminate stress and pain in a natural way.

In the 1930s, it was Dr. Sutherland who developed cranium osteopathy. According to him, in early childhood, the skull or cranium do not completely fuse and retains some flexibility.

In the 1970s, it was Dr. Upledger who formulated the Craniosacral therapy technique. He discovered the fluid that protects and nourishes the membranes enclosing the pulses, sacrum, spinal cord, and brain known as the cerebral spinal fluid. For him, osteopathy and craniosacral therapy are two totally different approaches since he considers the former as being ” bone-oriented” rather than “membrane-oriented” (enclosing the spinal cord and brain) and “soft tissue-oriented,” which CST is all about.

When you come in for CST treatment, your therapist will first evaluate you. Afterwards, he will sense the rhythm of your cerebrospinal fluid and determine if there are blockages that impede the free movement of your craniosacral system. This system is checked for symmetry, rate, quality, and amplitude. The evaluations are important factors in determining whether there is dysfunction in the various regions of your body.

The client is comfortably and fully dressed when undergoing craniosacral therapy. He or she is told to lie down on a massage table in a quiet environment.

Every day, your body encounters and absorbs all kinds of strains and stresses. These stresses can be both external (from the environment) and internal (from within, guilt, fear, anger, strong emotions, etc.). Over time, the body’s ability to cope with stress decreases and the tissues begin to tighten up eventually affecting the spinal cord, brain and the function of the systems of your body.

Relieve your pain, migraines, tension and let go of stress with craniosacral therapy and enjoy life to the hilt.

Amy-Sui Qun Lui is a board certified and licensed acupuncturist in Cleveland, OH and the founder of Asian Health Center.