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Resolve Your Fibroids Problem with Acupuncture

Myomas, fibromyomas or leiomyomas, better known as uterine fibroids are generally non-cancerous (benign) tumors located in the uterus. They usually arise during the childbearing years of a woman and typically affect women in their 30’s and 40’s. Some of these fibroids develop between the uterine muscles and some can grow below the myometrium (the smooth muscle lining of the uterus). Usually, one cell begins to reproduce continually eventually turning into one big abnormal mass. Uterine fibroids feel and look rubbery, firm and pale. The tumors or growths may grow in clusters or as a single node and may vary in size.

In the United States, up to a quarter to half of the women develops uterine fibroids; these fibroids are the most common causes of tumors based on information gathered by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Around 70% of women will be diagnosed with a uterine fibroid at least once in their lifetime.

Uterine fibroids do not usually exhibit any symptoms but if they occur, the symptoms may include urinary incontinence, severe menstruation, pelvic pain, and spotting between periods. Lower back pain and pain during sexual intercourse can also occur. Uterine fibroid sufferers can encounter infertility, miscarriage or complications during pregnancy. Sometimes, they may experience severe pain emanating from a decaying fibroid leaking from a nearby tissue. It’s rare for fibroids to turn cancerous although it can still happen.

Imaging tests and pelvic examinations are some of the more common diagnostic tests for uterine fibroids. Western medicine is still not sure what exactly causes this disease but some experts believe that it may be genetically inherited due to a hormonal imbalance. Research has indicated that women who have given birth to at least one child are less likely to have this problem; young black women and overweight, on the other hand, are high risk groups for developing fibroids.

It seems there is an association between women with fibroids and gastrointestinal health. Uterine fibroid sufferers need to avoid or at least limit their intake of trans-fats, sugar, alcohol, dairy, meat and caffeine. There may also be a connection between fibroid development and the lack of vitamin D.

It is common for doctors to only address fibroids when it starts to cause miscarriage, pain or bleeding. If a woman desires to get pregnancy and wants to have her fibroids removed, there are some treatments she can avail of to rid herself of this disease. She may have her fibroids shrunk which can be achieved by hormone therapy, exercising or diet modification. One other is UFE or uterine fibroid embolization, which is an invasive therapy. She may also consider surgery, specifically a hysterectomy. There are around 300,000 women who undergo hysterectomy each year due to their fibroids.

Fibroids Acupuncture Treatment

The Journal Alternative Therapies published a study done in 2002 showing acupuncture’s capacity to decrease fibroid symptoms and growth. Acupuncture is an ancient healing method originating in China that uses fine filiform needles inserted into certain parts of the body to alleviate pain. It can be used t o treat back and menstrual pain associated with uterine fibroids. Of course, before getting acupuncture treatment in Orlando, you need to consult with your doctor first.