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The Anti-Aging Practices Of Asians And How To Extend Longevity

Aging is a reality and a natural part of life. It is an overt articulation of our mortality; life’s way of telling us that our biological clock is ticking towards the certainty of death. Aging is a definite indication of wisdom, while a small number of people welcome it as it heralds them nearer and nearer into eternal slumber.

Hardly surprising, most of the young and middle-aged people do not greet the signs of aging with joy, expectation, and cheer. As people, we view it as absurd to do such, since throughout history, man has constantly looked for ways to slow it down; opting to spirituality, mysticism, and magic to halt in some way the onset of dementia and wrinkled skin. These days, however, we use science as our greatest weapon to delay or even reverse aging, but even it has no sure-fire solutions to the process of aging.

But what science can give us though is an understanding of how organisms degenerate physically, minus the final cure. Among the various explanations about the aging process, the two most plausible theories are the oxidation stress (damage caused by free radical) theory and the cellular senescence (shortening of telomeres) theory.

Oxidation Stress Theory

According to this theory, free radicals, which are atoms that have an odd amount of electrons, bond frequently with cellular tissues due to their high rates of reaction. This process of oxidation, over time, damages the cell and its parts. The actual threat is when DNA material bond with the free radicals resulting in genetic mutation to the individual or to its offspring, which leads to incurable diseases including most forms of cancers.

Cellular Senescence Theory

The Cellular Senescence theory observes the effect of telomere shortening inside a cell. Telomeres are a set of base chemicals comprising of amino acids such as thymine, adenine, cystosine, and guanin – replicated and strung together to serve as a stopper at the ends of chromosomes, (much like the caps at the ends of shoe strings). Every division of a cell diminishes the telomere strand – eventually, the host cell dies when a pair of telomeres decreases to a critical length.

Science fortunately has demonstrated the appropriate form of food intake and nutrition that will help reduce the damage of free radicals and the lengthening of the telomeres. History has been able to record the anti-aging traditions of the Chinese and their verified capacity to slow down aging, as gleaned by the vibrant glow and youthful complexion that’s so obvious among Asians.

Ni Nan Healing Art Center
2579 Merrick Rd
Bellmore, NY 11710
(516) 442-7408”