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Why Acupuncture is Much Better Than Drugs For The Treatment of Allergies

Allergies, yep, the one causes itchy skin, teary eyes, runny nose and the whole 9 yards! And if those allergies aren’t bad enough, over the shelf allergy medications add insult to the injury. Sure you may experience some relief from the symptoms, but it will cost you dryness in the body, dizziness, major drowsiness and an increased risk of liver damage.

Is there a better way to treat allergies? Yes, there is. It is called acupuncture!

Acupuncture Treatment in Edina for Allergy

Acupuncture and allergies may seem an odd combination. What does the insertion of tiny needles have to do with itchy eyes or runny nose? While many people have successfully used acupuncture to get rid of their allergy symptoms, Western medical science currently does not have an answer as to how and why it works. If you really don’t care about knowing how and why acupuncture works, and are simply looking for a way to alleviate your symptoms and reduce taking allergy meds, then acupuncture is an option you should definitely try.

About the needles, when you are treated for your allergy symptoms, those needles won’t be applied to your sinuses, nose or any other facial areas. The target of acupuncture treatment is a system of energy pathways called meridians. The meridians are oftentimes responsible for activating relief of your allergy symptom and they are not located in or even near your face. The meridians associated with the intestines and stomach are usually involved and thus are the areas where the needles are usually applied.

Does Acupuncture Produce Immediate Effects?

Each person responds to acupuncture treatment in his/her own unique way. The good news is that 90% of allergy sufferers experience sinus pressure relief and relief of other symptoms after the very first treatment. Three to five sessions after, their symptoms become inconsequential and they stop relying on allergy meds. Allergy flare ups diminish and the sneezing fits gradually go away.

Always Consider Acupuncture for Your Allergy Problems

After experiencing inadequate relief from drugs and allergy shots, a lot of people turn to acupuncture for significant and long term symptomatic relief. If you respond to acupuncture, you can commence treatment right after your seasonal allergies kick in, and save yourself time, physical suffering and money.

What Other Things Should You Consider?

You may not be aware of it but your dietary habits could also affect your tendencies to have allergies. If your immune system is strong, you can prevent the rise of allergy symptoms. But even more important is the avoidance of foods that can worsen your allergies. This includes foods that burden your digestive system and slow down your metabolism and foods that make you extra sensitive to allergens. During allergy season, try to avoid sugar. Limit the intake dairy products as well.