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Auricular Acupuncture Has Been Proven To Work Against A Number Of Disorders And Diseases

In medicine, a reflex system is where one part of the body represents the entire body. The ear is one such example of this system. A reflex system is sometimes called “microsystems,” in which there is a two way communication between one part of a body and another part of the body. One part of the body actually reflects the condition of another part of the body and can also treat it. Foot and hand reflexology are the two most familiar reflex systems known. Auricular acupuncture is the assessment and stimulation of the outer ear known as auricle, for diagnosing and treating of illnesses in other parts of the body.

It is believed that auricular acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years. Ancient Chinese healers utilized the ear in diagnosis and treatment. Hippocrates diagnosed and treated sciatica and impotence by bleeding points behind the ears. During the Middle Ages in Europe, medical documents noted treatment of the ear for sciatica. French doctor Paul Nogier in 1956 developed a comprehensive map of the ear reflex system. He produced a model that used an inverted fetus as an image representing the entire human body. Doctors all over the work have validated his work. In 1973, Michael Smith, a New York based doctor, came up with a protocol for substance withdrawal abuse by stimulating five pressure points on the ear. He was the one who established the NADA or the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association.

Auricular acupuncture in Overland Park has been used by health care providers that include psychologists, massage therapists, chiropractors, physicians, and acupuncturists. It is a lesser known therapy albeit an extremely effective one. In auricular acupuncture, acupuncture points located in the ear are stimulated with ear pellets, magnets, lasers, needles, or manual pressure. This type of acupuncture can be just as effective without the use of needles. The World Health Organization director said in 1990, “Perhaps, auricular acupuncture is scientifically, the best documented and most developed of all of acupuncture’s microsystems and is the most widely used and most practical.”

One of the strongest aspects of auricular acupuncture is that it can be used for practically any type of illness. It can help to treat menopause symptoms, headaches, arthritis, anxiety, addictions, insomnia, stress, pain, and many other conditions. It is often used as adjunct to other types of treatment; however, it is not meant to be used as substitute for other mainstream medical care.

In China, research has determined that auricular acupuncture can resolve more than 200 disorders and diseases and is efficient in 85 percent of cases. In 1980, a double blind study was conducted by the Pain Management Center in UCLA to validate the scientific precision of auricular diagnosis. In diagnosing musculoskeletal pain via observation and palpation of the ear, researchers discovered that auricular diagnosis had an accuracy rate of 75 percent. In a weight loss study done at South Australia’s Adelaide University, results showed that auricular acupuncture can help subdue appetite. The people in the auricular therapy group experienced a significant amount of weight lost compared to the control group.